The following FAQs relate to the easypod®2 device, click here for FAQs relating to the easypod®3 device, click here for FAQs relating to the aluetta™ pen device.

In case you need ancillaries, such as needles and batteries, you should follow the instructions provided by your homecare provider. Please visit the ancillary website to order additional resources.

Your clinical team will decide and notify you if you need a change in the dose of your treatment. Please follow their instruction or contact them if you have any queries.

If the needle is stuck and you cannot remove it, you could take pliers to remove the needle and throw it away immediately in the sharps bin.

Handle the device, the pliers and the needle with great care in order not to get a needle stick injury.

You can find more information in the section ‘Warnings and Cautions’ within the Instructions for Use (IFU) of your device.

You can also contact Merck Medical who will advise on what to do.

If the needle from the previous injection has remained in the device, you should get a warning that the needle is still attached when the device switches on. You must remove both the needle and the cartridge before your next injection, as there may be a risk of contamination as the needle remained attached for 48 hours.

Check the Instruction for Use (IFU) of your device or contact Merck Medical if you are unsure about what to do.

easypod® has a self-checking mechanism to ensure mechanical problems will not lead to dosing errors. If you have dropped easypod® and it still turns on, you must check the device and the cartridge to make sure there are no signs of cracks or damage (check the section ‘Removing a cartridge before it’s empty’ within your device Instructions for Use).

In the event of a mechanical problem, easypod® will shut down automatically or may display the ‘Device failure’ message. In this case, contact your healthcare professional or Merck Medical for a replacement easypod®.

If your device displays a ‘Device Failure’ warning message, do not use it since this may indicate a hardware or software failure. Contact your Merck Medical nurse or clinical team for a replacement.

If you are inserting a new cartridge, you can follow the procedure below:

Press the start button.
The device will read ‘Remove and change’ cartridge.
Open the cartridge door by sliding the cartridge door button upwards.
The display will read ‘Insert cartridge’
Place a new cartridge into the cartridge holder, making sure the metal tip is pointing down
Push the cartridge door closed until it clicks shut.
It will beep once when ready.
You can start the injection by pressing ‘Start’.

There are three scenarios when inserting a new cartridge:
1. The cartridge has been accepted and the device will display the ‘Insert new needle message’.
2. The cartridge label has been damaged and the device will display the ‘Remove and check cartridge message’.
3. The cartridge is not the correct one and the device will display the ‘Wrong cartridge warning’.

1. The cartridge has been accepted:
The device will display ‘Insert new needle’.
Insert a new needle and follow screen instructions to start your injection.
2. The cartridge label has been damaged or removed:
The device will display the ‘Remove and check cartridge’ message. Remove the cartridge and carefully check its label. Make sure it has the correct dose. If so, make sure the information strips on the cartridge label are not damaged. Replace the cartridge. If accepted, the device will display ‘Insert new needle’. If the cartridge is still not recognised, the device will display the ‘Wrong cartridge’ warning.
3. The cartridge is not the correct one
This warning message indicates that the wrong cartridge has been inserted.
Press ‘OK’.
Remove the cartridge and check your cartridge is the correct medication (Saizen®). Insert a new cartridge. If accepted, the device will display ‘Insert new needle’. If rejected, the device will show the ‘Wrong cartridge’ warning.
If the issue persists, please contact Merck Medical.

If you are planning to travel, you can use your easypod® travel bag to keep the device temperature cool on a long journey. Please visit the ancillary website if you do not have a travel bag.

When travelling by plane you will need to keep your device in your hand luggage.

If you have your Saizen® delivered via homecare, on request, they will supply you with a travel letter that will support the carrying of your medication through customs.

Alternatively your GP can provide you with a similar letter if you use your local pharmacy to dispense your medication.

Please make sure that you have read information on storage conditions that you can find on this website.

When storing a Saizen® cartridge, always keep your easypod® in its box in the fridge, not the freezer (stored between 2-8°C/36-46°F). Place in the fridge door in an upright position, with the arrow in the box pointing upwards. Before storing, the needle should always be detached.

Saizen® cartridges can also be stored out of the fridge for up to 7 days. This room temperature storage does come with some conditions:

  1. After first injection, the Saizen® cartridge or the easypod® device containing the Saizen® cartridge should be stored in a fridge for a maximum of 28 days.
  2. However, during this time, you can take it out of the fridge for a total of 7 days and these do not need to be consecutive (in a row). This means you can take it out and put it back in the fridge as many times and for as long as required so long as the total time does not exceed 7 days out of the fridge.
  3. If the cartridge is out of the fridge for more than 7 days in total please discard and replace the cartridge.

Your device will perform best using 4 AAA lithium batteries. Replacements can be ordered via your usual ancillary ordering route, click here to visit the ancillary website to order replacements. Only Lithium batteries should be used as they have a high capacity and will not run out unexpectedly. Rechargeable or alkaline batteries cannot be used.

easypod® connect is a web application for monitoring adherence and outcomes for patients using the easypod® injector to administer Saizen®.

easypod® connect collects the data from your device in a cloud as soon as you back up your device on the transmitter. Your data is instantly transferred to a cloud server that can be accessed by your MySupport nurse or clinical team.

It is important to back up your device regularly, after each cartridge change. This stores your device data and settings in the easypod® connect cloud server, allowing the information to be retrieved if your device is dropped or becomes faulty. Although more importantly, this information is available for your care team, allowing them to make adjustments to treatment ensuring this is always optimal.

Click here to view videos on transmitting your data, or download our ‘how to transmit your data’ guide.

If you cannot find an answer to your questions, please contact Merck Medical.